Thank you
COOMI Says “Thank You” to First Responders with Giveaways
New York – Luxury jewelry designer Coomi Bhasin and her team at her namesake brand COOMI are known for their innovation in design. Her rule breaking techniques have led to a following of COOMI jewelry collectors from around the world, including many successful Hollywood personalities.
“But now it’s time to give something back to the real stars of today.” Says Coomi. “These are the stars putting their lives on the line, every day, who’ve left their own families to take care of people they’ve never met; the stars who are out there saving lives. These are the stars we wish to recognize by showing them just how grateful we are.”
Starting this week, COOMI will be giving away two pieces of jewelry every week for an extended period of time to first responders working on the front lines during the COVID-19 crisis. Nominations will be accepted through a link on the main page of the COOMI website ( or by emailing Winners will be notified after the bi-weekly random drawing.
“We want to encourage people to nominate their friends and loved ones who are hospital workers or EMTs, or nurses, or mask makers; people whose selfless dedication during this pandemic has made them true heroes.” Coomi states. “Jewelry makes people feel good. I do not sew, so I am here, safe in my home with my family, not knowing exactly what else I could do to help. This is how I want to help. These heroes deserve recognition. They deserve to also feel good.”
Over the past two decades, the creativity and inherent artistic nature of Coomi Bhasin has driven her careers as a textile designer, architect, and landscape designer, and now fuels her jewelry collection which was launched under her own label – COOMI – in 2002. From the early days of her jewelry designing career, Coomi travelled the world, seeking out and studying the histories of the finest and rarest antiquities for use in her one-of-a-kind jewelry designs. Those designs have been featured in numerous publications and on the necks, hands, ears, and fingers of some of the world’s biggest and brightest stars. Visit for more information.